Ok, I am SO flippin’ excited to be bringing you this review of This Is My Life Planner by Virtuous Woman. This planner for moms is absolutely fantastic! It’s one of the best planners I’ve come across in a long time, and that’s saying a lot because I’m very particular about my planners, y’all! {I’m a bit of a planner snob ;)}
As a busy mom and business owner, I need a place to keep ALL of my stuff in one place, and let me tell you, this planner offers EVERYTHING. Just wait and see…
It’s versatile, colorful, fun, and one of the best organizational tools I think I could ever ask for.
You’re dying to know more, right?! Ok, let’s get started!
Planner for Moms
Before the planner even gets into the nitty-gritty of the monthly calendars, it begins with a whole bunch of cool stuff! Like what? Well, like
- A breakdown of what being a Proverbs 31 is all about
- The 7 Golden Rules of Housekeeping
- A place to create a family mission statement {copy this and put it in a picture frame and put in a place where the whole family can see it and remember it!}
- A list of household projects you’d like to complete this year
- A place to manage your time!! Did you know the #1 struggle among women is that we are NOT good at managing out time? In fact, most of us suck at it {just keeping it real!}
- And some other really awesome stuff! I can’t give it all away! Then I’d be taking away the surprise!

The next thing I love about this planner is the big spaces provided on the month-at-a-glance pages to keep all important dates for that month in one place.
Ok, then we get right into the weekly overview—this is my favorite part of the planner! The pages are so colorful and FUN, why in the heck wouldn’t I want to track my water intake?! There’s a place for household chores, weekly chores, and a box to fill in your day’s routines! All in one place!
And then, there is the Weekly Menu Plan, which I so need in my life. I’ve never “meal-planned”. I just kind of wing it every night, and seriously I hate cooking dinner. Sometimes, I literally think to myself, “They really want to eat dinner AGAIN? I just fed them dinner last night!” No, seriously. If my hubby counted on me to make dinner every night, well…he may have chosen a different wifey. ANYWAY, here’s a great resource to help me {and others like me–you know who you are!} to get a better handle on weekly dinners.
Y’all, it just keeps getting better. Each month there is a really FUN page! For instance, in January, there is a winter bucket list page packed with fun activities you can do that month. For February there is a Valentine’s Day planning page! How cute! I’m in LOVE!
Not to mention the amazing, inspiring quotes and Bible verses all throughout the planner. Or the recipes she snuck in there Or the lined journal pages! I thrive on blank pages to get all of my thoughts out. Or doodles while I’m on hold with the insurance company. Or phone numbers that I don’t want to forget. Or coffee stain spills. You get the point. The lined pages are my BFF!
Ok, you probably get the idea by now that this is the #ultimate Mom’s planner! But…it just keeps getting better! There are also coordinating free printables that you can download to go along with your planner! Like what? Like a pet information chart, a budget planner, an age appropriate chore chart, and MORE! Get your free printables here!
If you are ready to buy this planner and love it as much as I do, all you have to do is visit Melissa’s blog at A Virtuous Woman and order your planner today!!
*Disclaimer: I received a copy of this planner in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review, nor was I compensated in any other way. All my opinions of this planner are my own.*
This is so cute! I am a bit planner obsessed, and I really like when they have bright colors and things to keep them interesting! It makes me want to use it. Thanks for the review!
Kaylene, I’m so glad you loved the review! The planner is SO full of bright colors! I’m a bit planner obsessed myself
Hope you are able to gift yourself with one!
I’ve been thinking about this planner since I saw your review of it over the weekend. I think this would help keep track of so many activities. And I LOVE the colors!