About me and my family:
I grew up in a small city 20 minutes outside of New Orleans, Louisiana. From the ages of 13-21, I was a summer camp counselor at our church. 95% of my jobs after that included working with children. I moved away for college to Lafayette, Louisiana. It was there that I met my husband in a coffee shop. I moved to Austin, Texas with him and we got married and had our son, Mason. We now live in Ohio, and I began this blog while having the greatest pleasure of being a stay at home mom with Mason.
Bachelor of Science: Elementary Education from Texas State University, 2010
Master of Education: Reading Education from University of Missouri, 2013
My Favorites:
•Scripture: Philippians 4:3 “I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.”
•Books: Grace, Not Perfection by Emily Ley
•Quote: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
•Guilty Pleasure: Reality T.V.
•Color: Purple
•Candy: Pink and Red Starburst
•Holiday: Christmas. I love how warm and cozy my house feels at Christmastime, and how special it feels to be with family during Christmas