I’m Erica, the owner of eLeMeNO-P Kids! I thought it would be fun to do my own 25 Things You Might Not Know About Me list. Here we go:
1. I am addicted to Burt’s Beeswax lip balm. Anything other than that is just “blah”.
2. I drink almond milk.
3. I am 29 {scared to turn 30} married, and had my firstborn at 23.
4. I really enjoy astronomy. I love knowing there will be a meteor shower or something cool happening with the moon. I will stay awake and wait for it.
5. I am pretty obsessed with my dog, Sprinkles. I talk to her in a baby voice every night as I tuck her in bed. Everything she does is cute to me. I take pictures.constantly. *Hubby thinks I’m strange*
6. Pulp is never allowed to be in my orange juice. I won’t drink it.
7. I may be slightly *obsessed* with Britney Spears. Okayyyy, REALLY obsessed. I have all her albums, her box set, her videos on DVD, her perfume, the *fake* replica of her engagement ring to Kevin Federline. Okay, I just said too much, didn’t I?
8. I love crafting! If I can make it myself, I will.
9. I collect “Google” icons. So like when you sign onto Google and it has special graphics to celebrate something, yeah, I save it to my computer. I currently have 86 and have no plans on stopping.
10. I also collect “Got Milk” ads…yep. I have HUNDREDS all saved in a binder. I started when I was younger, and I’m not ready to quit. So, if you ever see one, ask me for my address and I’ll let you send it to me 😉
11. I want to see the Eiffel Tower before I die. That’s all I ask.
12. I was born in New Orleans and raised in a small city -Slidell- just 20 minutes outside of New Orleans.
13. Anywhere I go, I have to take my pillow. I travel with my pillow. I don’t like anyone sleeping on my pillow, and I don’t like to sleep on anyone’s pillow.
14. I’ve never broken a bone. (Knock on wood it doesn’t happen today)
15. I’m a fanatic about essential oils.
16. I have a Hello Kitty tattoo on the top of my left foot. Will I regret it when I’m 85? Maybe. Or maybe I’ll just be THAT COOL when I’m 85!
17. I critique sports tickers when watching football. They have to give you everything that you need to know about the game, or it’s just not a good ticker.
18. When I was 9 years old, my family was visiting Disney World and Michael Jackson walked right by us. My mom got some great pictures–paparazzi-like pictures.
19. I am left-handed.
20. I love to take baths. Lavender oil, hot cup of tea, my Kindle, ALONE time=heaven.
21. My favorite form of exercise is Yoga. If you haven’t tried it, you should. It’s very calming and stretches your muscles out like you wouldn’t believe.
22. My favorite color is purple.
23. I’m not a morning person.
24. I have a hard time letting people go. Yes, even people that I once loved or was friends with, I have a hard time knowing that I don’t talk to them anymore and sometimes I wonder how they’re doing.
25. I believe in God. Without him, I’d be nothing. No, I’m not one of those Christians who claims to be perfect. I screw up. I sin. I curse. I’ve done some pretty awful things. However, I don’t pass judgement on anyone (because that’s not my job) and I pray daily for the blessings in my life.